Monday, September 28, 2009


the mainstream media and for that matter people living in their protected urban enclosures are living far away from the naked reality of the nation's affairs that democracy has woefully failed. this is a state that is making war on its own people, people who have received nothing, no basic health care, no water taps, no ration cards but have lost their forests courtesy the unsatiable demand for furniture from the growing cities and the middle class of the nation that only knows how to aspire but doesnt know the cost at which those aspirations are met.
so while can continue to give a thumbs up to the armed forces, the point is even they dont know what they are fighting for. it is the state and the ruling elite that decides who is the enemy so that the armed forces can be pushed into it. these are all tactics to divert attention from the pressing issues of the nation. for a vast portion of our nation doesnt even know what dusshera is or what a diwali is, all they care about is survival, the gods never favored them and the state only accentuates their misery...
so well yes as one gentleman says, its dusshera time, yes but then its one more phantom that the armed forces are fighting...the problems shall not get addressed by bullets of the state but shall only get manifested...times to come shall bear testimony to this brutality that the state is unleashing in the name of maintaining order....
as arundhati roy does ask, 'what is democracy when she is at home'...well in india, she is raped, tortured and assaulted at home and then gagged and presented as a mannequin when it comes to international stages....

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